This article
explores “anger” as a mental pathogen.
It is probably as dangerous to the body if not more, as all the deadly viruses
and bacteria known to us. Let’s understand a few concepts first.
What is
disease? In plain simple words,Lack of ease! “Ease” depicts both simultaneously,
the state of mind – freedom from anxiety, concern, worry, tension, agitation,
constraint etc. and the state of body – freedom from pain, labour, physical
annoyance or irritability etc. Clearly, “ease” is both, a physical as well as a
mental phenomenon.
In an era
where stress has become pandemic, mind is recognized as the seat of most of the
ailments. This has been known to us in India through ages but is today accepted
even in the Western world.
to Yoga Vasistha,disease or Vyadhi can be classified into two
categories, Adhijavyadhi (the
psychosomatic or stress borne diseases) and Anadhijavyadhi
(psychosomatic, non- stress borne diseases).
Non-psychosomatic diseases
have an external cause like injury, accident, infection, pollution etc., these need to be, and are usually treated quite
efficiently with medicines, surgery, nutritional supplements and physiotherapy.
Psychosomatic diseases on the other hand are caused due
to strong emotional reactions based on subjective likes and dislikes,
attachments or repulsions, raga and
dvesha. So, these are rooted in the mind. The Psychosomatic
diseases are further divided into two categoriesSaraand Samanya. The
formerrefers tothe health conditions that are present by birth like
developmental anomalies and congenital diseases. These, according to ancient
Indian belief system are due to Karma
and can be overcome only with self-realization. The second category psychosomatic diseases “Samanya” are acquired during one’s
lifetime due to one’s emotional reactions like anger, fear, jealousy, guilt,
humiliation, obsession etc. to various stressors like conflicts, deaths, adversities,
occupational targets, expectations, adaptation difficulties, peer pressure etc.
disturbed mind or a stressed mindis one of the leading causes for generating,
precipitating and aggravatingcardiovascular conditions, auto-immune disorders, gastro-intestinal
disorders, depression, anxiety, musculoskeletal aches and pains etc. Many symptoms of such problems can be and
should be alleviated through medication especially in acute situations, but
long-term prevention or cure is possible only when the mind is addressed.
is one of the biggest mental-stressors. One can most definitely feel the blood
pressure rising along with anger. In fact, anger in one form or the other is a
mental root to many healthconditions.
disorders could be translated as the natural intelligence of the body gone wrong or the memory cells of the
immune system getting confused making the body attack itself.
Bhagavad Gita states something similar:
Smrutibramshaatbuddhinaashaha, buddhinaashaatpranashyati (Ch-II, 63)
Anger leads
to delusion which confuses memory. When memory is confounded, it attacks
intelligence, when intelligence is lost, the man falls down.
Anger translates itself into
auto-immune disorder at the
mental level. From the mind, the disorder percolates into the body. In her book,You can heal your life, Louise L. Hay suggests that the leading
cause for cancer is deep-seated resentment.
also attack ourselves through constant anger against ourselves in forms of
self-criticism, self-hatred, cursing one-self.
The body only concurs with the mind by attacking itself in return.Louise L. Hay traces the roots of
Arthritis and many other inflammatory disorders “itis” to the feeling of being “inflamed
with anger”.
Jealousy, traditionally referred to as
the “Green Eyed Monster”is another form
of continuous anger.The Greeks associated jealousy with excessive
production of bile (a greenish liquid produced by the liver). Popularly, anger
is described as “Bile rising in the throat”. Well the bile does rise, leading
to digestive distress and potential damage to the lining of stomach and
of us hold “Anger”. Buddha describes anger as a hot-coal held in the hand with the
intention of throwing it at someone! A hot coal held for long only burns the
entire hand.
With a bit
of observation one can easily trace these correlations. If any of these hold
true for you then “Why this Kolaveri di?”If you cannot avoid getting angry
(like myself) at least cease to hold on to it.
To health
and Wellness!!